V i s i t U s
Rich Heritage
Time to Treat Yourself

Enjoy the vast variety of wines and experiences we offer. Surrounded by hundreds of acres of lush vineyards and scenic, panoramic views, our intimate seated tastings offer an unparalleled, exclusive setting for experiencing our handcrafted, estate-grown wines.
W i n e r y T o u r C u r r e n t l y U n a v a i l a b l e
Tzafona Winery is undergoing an exciting expansion and renovation of our facilities.
As a result, we are temporarily closed for tours. We anticipate reopening in a few months.
For any questions or inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]

Exquisite Experience
T h e C u l t u r e o f T z a f o n a

A N o r t h e r n E x p e r i e n c e